IOS 13.2 beta hints at noise-canceling AirPods release

18. 09. 2020
IOS 13.2 beta hints at noise-canceling AirPods release

Rumors around Apple products never subside. Sometimes such rumors are not confirmed by anything other than the name of the insider who reported them, but it also happens that the reason is more weighty evidence and arguments. For example, in the iOS 13.2 Beta version, they found an indirect mention of the new AirPods noise canceling headphones.

In the assembly, the headphone model is listed under the codename B298, and their image is stored in the "universal access" folder. Inside there is an icon depicting headphones, which, apparently, are an unannounced version of AirPods with some inserts on the sides.

It's still quite early to talk about a possible release window, but the authoritative analyst Min-Chi Kuo, who has a solid reputation in everything related to Apple, is sure: Cupertino intends to release updated AirPods either at the end of this year or early next. In any case, there is still a possibility that the headphones will be shown to us later this month.