iPhone SE 2, will Apple release it?

18. 09. 2020
iPhone SE 2, will Apple release it?

The iPhone SE 2 is arguably Apple's most anticipated smartphone of the past three years. Users loved the idea of ​​a compact and affordable device with flagship stuffing so much that at some point it even became the best-selling iPhone in some countries of the world. Still, until that moment, Cupertino had never allowed such experiments of themselves, pretending that the segment of inexpensive smartphones did not exist in principle. So when the company didn't release a sequel to the iPhone SE a year later, everyone tensed a bit, but decided that Apple would update this line every two years so as not to create internal competition. But a miracle did not happen either that year or the next.

Apparently, the second generation iPhone SE is not worth waiting for. In any case, this was reported by the resource MacOtakara, which has often delighted us with fairly accurate hits in the past. The conditionally affordable smartphone, which we know as the iPhone SE 2 and which is due out in March 2020, will actually be nothing more than the iPhone 9. This is the name, according to the industry's interlocutors, Cupertino has chosen for the upcoming novelty apparently not wanting the new device to be associated with the Special Edition model.

However, apart from the name, most likely, nothing will change, says MacOtakara. Externally, the iPhone 9 will repeat the iPhone 8, its hardware base will be the A13 Bionic processor, and the amount of RAM will be 3 GB. The wireless charging module will most likely remain, but the 3D Touch will be removed. The use of this technology would not only increase the cost of the smartphone, but would also cause dissonance, given that from this year Apple has been using only software Haptic Touch, which is not worse.

All of this will keep the iPhone 9's price low and sell for the same $ 399 as the original iPhone SE. Practice has shown that this amount is the most acceptable for the vast majority of consumers who, having seen enough of sub-flagship devices running Android, are now not eager to buy iPhones of past years, but would gladly purchase a stripped-down version of Apple's flagship, albeit in a more compact body and without Face ID.

Perhaps the iPhone 9 will be the logical culmination of a series of iPhones with a physical HOME button. You can buy apple products in our online store.