Dragon Quest Heroes II (English) PS4

Dragon Quest Heroes II (английская версия) PS4
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Specifications Dragon Quest Heroes II (English) PS4
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Description Dragon Quest Heroes II (English) PS4

Dragon Quest Heroes II is a slasher RPG. Players will embark on an incredible adventure and epic battles to bring peace to a once serene world filled with hordes of monsters. Up to four players can join forces in cooperative multiplayer to defeat hordes of enemies and formidable bosses. You can choose from a variety of characters with unique moves and abilities (already familiar from the Dragon Quest series and 4 new ones) who must unite and face the threat of the Seven Kingdoms!
Long ago, the world went through a long and grueling war. When it finally ended, the peoples concluded a solemn treaty that they would never fight again. The world was divided into seven kingdoms, and no one remembered the war for a thousand years.
Earlier, the cousins ​​- the future knights Lazarel and Teresa - met in the kingdom of Harba, far from their native Dunisia. They could not even imagine that Dunisia's army was about to launch an invasion and that their old friend Prince Caesar would lead it.
For so long the peace was disrupted and the kingdoms plunged into chaos. With the help of the High King's Messenger, the heroes must travel to Accordia to meet with the High Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and find a way to reconcile the lands again!

You can buy Dragon Quest Heroes II (English) PS4 from AppleMania.

Specifications Dragon Quest Heroes II (English) PS4
Enable Pre OrderYes
Description Dragon Quest Heroes II (English) PS4

Dragon Quest Heroes II is a slasher RPG. Players will embark on an incredible adventure and epic battles to bring peace to a once serene world filled with hordes of monsters. Up to four players can join forces in cooperative multiplayer to defeat hordes of enemies and formidable bosses. You can choose from a variety of characters with unique moves and abilities (already familiar from the Dragon Quest series and 4 new ones) who must unite and face the threat of the Seven Kingdoms!
Long ago, the world went through a long and grueling war. When it finally ended, the peoples concluded a solemn treaty that they would never fight again. The world was divided into seven kingdoms, and no one remembered the war for a thousand years.
Earlier, the cousins ​​- the future knights Lazarel and Teresa - met in the kingdom of Harba, far from their native Dunisia. They could not even imagine that Dunisia's army was about to launch an invasion and that their old friend Prince Caesar would lead it.
For so long the peace was disrupted and the kingdoms plunged into chaos. With the help of the High King's Messenger, the heroes must travel to Accordia to meet with the High Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and find a way to reconcile the lands again!

You can buy Dragon Quest Heroes II (English) PS4 from AppleMania.

Specifications Dragon Quest Heroes II (English) PS4
Enable Pre OrderYes
Code Dragon Quest Heroes II (английская версия) PS4
Dragon Quest Heroes II (English) PS4
Code Dragon Quest Heroes II (английская версия) PS4
Dragon Quest Heroes II (English) PS4
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Code Dragon Quest Heroes II (английская версия) PS4
Dragon Quest Heroes II (English) PS4