Mirror's Edge (Russian subtitles) PS4

Mirror's Edge (русские субтитры) PS4
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Specifications Mirror's Edge (Russian subtitles) PS4
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Description Mirror's Edge (Russian subtitles) PS4

Mirror's Edge (Russian subtitles) PS4 is a first-person adventure game, the main character is a young extreme parkourist Vera Connors. As in the previous game, we will move around the world using urban architecture, climbing pipes, jumping on roofs and deftly maneuvering in narrow corridors of skyscrapers. You do not have any weapons, you will have to fight opponents using brute force, tackles and cover.

The whole city is at your disposal, you are no longer limited by the plot task, you can move absolutely anywhere and anytime, which allows you to solve problems in several ways and plan escape routes in advance. In addition to the main storyline company, side missions were added to the game, for the completion of which you fight with other players in the global rating table (the task is credited to follow for a limited period of time.

Mirror's Edge plot (Russian subtitles) PS4

The world is in a utopian order, power in the city belongs to one person who controls every step of all citizens, any disobedience is punishable by death. Our main character grew up in a poor area of ​​the city and spent most of her childhood on the street, honing her parkour skills. Having matured, she began to work in the illegal sphere, breaking system defenses, stealing government data. She does not perceive the total control formed and decides to give battle to the system.

Specifications Mirror's Edge (Russian subtitles) PS4
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Description Mirror's Edge (Russian subtitles) PS4

Mirror's Edge (Russian subtitles) PS4 is a first-person adventure game, the main character is a young extreme parkourist Vera Connors. As in the previous game, we will move around the world using urban architecture, climbing pipes, jumping on roofs and deftly maneuvering in narrow corridors of skyscrapers. You do not have any weapons, you will have to fight opponents using brute force, tackles and cover.

The whole city is at your disposal, you are no longer limited by the plot task, you can move absolutely anywhere and anytime, which allows you to solve problems in several ways and plan escape routes in advance. In addition to the main storyline company, side missions were added to the game, for the completion of which you fight with other players in the global rating table (the task is credited to follow for a limited period of time.

Mirror's Edge plot (Russian subtitles) PS4

The world is in a utopian order, power in the city belongs to one person who controls every step of all citizens, any disobedience is punishable by death. Our main character grew up in a poor area of ​​the city and spent most of her childhood on the street, honing her parkour skills. Having matured, she began to work in the illegal sphere, breaking system defenses, stealing government data. She does not perceive the total control formed and decides to give battle to the system.

Specifications Mirror's Edge (Russian subtitles) PS4
Enable Pre OrderYes
Code Mirror's Edge (русские субтитры) PS4
Mirror's Edge (Russian subtitles) PS4
Code Mirror's Edge (русские субтитры) PS4
Mirror's Edge (Russian subtitles) PS4
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Code Mirror's Edge (русские субтитры) PS4
Mirror's Edge (Russian subtitles) PS4